Thursday, April 30, 2009

A story I had to write in class it is fictional

In The year 2030 a simple experiment involving the bending of light created an invention that changed the world the invention of time travel. At first only particles could be sent through when the time machine was first built. The scientist found another way to bend time and space instead of using light. With the new way a time traveler could travel through time to any time. With the discovery of time travel for humans came complications. The complication included travelers being stuck in time because the machine would break down. Another is the constant threat of the time line being altered.
As the technology got better a traveler could remain in time longer with out having the machine break down. Since the technology got better fail safes had to be put in place to prevent the altering of the time line. Since the time line couldn’t be altered any more historians would travel through to important events. History books were rewritten and the view of controversial topics and had solved many murders. Time travel wasn’t all good, people would remove the safety mechanisms and try to alter time.
As the years went by time travel would be banned and any one using it would be imprisoned. The reason for the ban was because the time line had been altered so many times that some of it couldn’t be repaired completely.

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